Motorbike Rentals
Saigon Minsk offers everything you need in regards to motorcycles.
Bikes for rent:
Honda Dream (Japanese made) : 40 USD/month
Honda Wave (Japanese made) : 40 USD/month
Yamaha Nouvo: 50 USD/month
Honda Dream (Chinese or Korean made): 30 USD/month
Honda Wave (Chinese or Korean made): 30 USD/month
If you are going on a longer trip and want a bigger bike, they have Honda Wins that they rent out as well.
Honda Win (copy): 5 USD/day
Go down to the shop to see some of their rebuilds and to see the bikes for sale, with a range of affordable prices.
Buy back option:
If you buy a bike in HCMC (Saigon) and ride to Hanoi they can buy the bike back at a discount in Hanoi, however, this guarantees you'll be able to get some of your money back on your investment!
They also perform: Maintenance, Repair, Modifications, Rebuilds, and Restorations