Fashion Design
Louis Vuitton, the flagship brand of the LVMH Group, which leads the world in luxury goods, is the ultimate expression of exclusiveness in terms of marketing its products: it never holds seasonal sales, sells only in its own stores and in corners at top department stores. LV has no airport stores and sells its products online - but only through its own website.
This elitism has not prevented the brand from achieving considerable sales and therefore enjoying excellent economic health. This is proof that careful brand, logo and image management is the best investment. All cities should follow the methods of success that great companies like LV have used in order to continue progressing and growing!
As Kevin Costner hears a voice in his head in the movie Field of Dreams, 'If you build it, they will come.'
The store itself follows strict architectural guidelines set by the franchise and was designed by renowned architects.
Louis Vuitton has over 200 own-brand stores and corners in select department stores, and also sells via its website